Holy crap. It has really been a long time since we wrote on here. Life here is great. We feel pretty adjusted and love it here! It's raining today, the second time since we've been here.
There is some updated news... well, we have a dining room table now (it's not put together yet, but we have it) and when I went to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving, my aunt gave us a bunch of stuff, so our kitchen is looking a little more full too! I also got a job at the zoo, I'm still planning on staying with American Eagle, but dropping to like one or two days a week. Ciara got a speaking engagement job, where she goes around to schools and stuff, but is staying at the zoo too. I became a foster mom to a puppy named Fluffy McCuddlestein. (No, neither one of us named him, and yes, there is someone equally as weird as the two of us out there who did name him. His name is Jim.) Fluffy is cool, was super shy at first, but now follows me everywhere. It's full day number two and he's almost perfect at sitting on command. The potty training however, is lacking. He's a lab terrier mix, but he's super cute, and tiny!
We've made a few more friends and have been hanging out a lot with them, which is good, because the first two friends we had here are moving within the next few weeks.
We saw a gang fight Saturday night in OB, (Ocean Beach) well kinda, our friend Tom wouldn't let Ciara and I go outside to watch, (he was afraid the dude may have a gun. haha) This little gangster kid tried to fight the OB crowd, which was a really stupid idea because everyone in OB in chill and loves each other and is friends with each other. So this 5'5" little kid tries to fight this huge dude and the huge dude's OB friends backed him up and made the other kid leave, after they punched him out. wow....
The kids sent me a package the other day too. It was so sweet, had their drawings and Halloween candy in it for me. Keegan traced his letters and they drew cool pictures.
For Christmas I will probably be working, and Ciara will be in Colorado. She gets home the 29th or 30th and I leave then to go back to Florida.
Will try to update again soon. Videos will be coming now that we have jobs and will have more time to edit.
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