I returned home from camp and the immediate subsequent vacation with the kids to North Carolina. Camp was amazing, we ended the week with seven baptisms and only one kid got sick enough to send home. North Carolina was a fantastic trip as well. The weather was gorgeous and the scenery was breathtaking. I got my tonsils out on Monday, so I am still recovering from that.
I vaguely remember talking to the male nurse in Spanish after the anesthesia started to wear off. He answered my questions in English and then I looked at him and started laughing and said, "I don't even speak Spanish." and he replied, "Neither do I." It was hard to laugh with stitches in my mouth, but I did the best I could.
Our stuff (mine and Ciara's) is everywhere. The apartment is empty and who only knows if they have been in there yet. We each have a storage unit and we also have stuff housed at other people's houses temporarily as well. We both feel homeless (especially in Orlando). I didn't know what to do the other day as I left the kids house after we returned home from North Carolina. I went to the old apartment and got dressed in the car in the parking lot. It was really sad. I loved that apartment.
Oh well. Here is to another chapter in our lives, and here's to an adventure of a lifetime...
"Broke into the old apartment
This is where we used to live
Broken glass, broke and hungry
Broken hearts and broken bones
This is where we used to live
Why did you paint the walls?
Why did you clean the floor?
Why did you plaster over the hole I punched in the door?
This is where we used to live
Why did you keep the mousetrap?
Why did you keep the dishrack?
These things used to be mineI guess they still are, I want them back
Broke into the old apartment
Forty-two stairs from the street
Crooked landing, crooked landlord
Narrow laneway filled with crooks.
This is where we used to live."
- "Old Apartment" by Barenaked Ladies